THe War On Cars
News and commentary on the latest developments in the worldwide fight to undo a century’s worth of damage wrought by the automobile, hosted by Sarah Goodyear and Doug Gordon
Ghost Road: Beyond the Driverless Car
Anthony M. Townsend
Autonomy: The Quest to Build the Driverless Car–and How It Will Reshape Our WOrld
Lawrence Burns
DRIVERLESS: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead
Hod Lipson and Melba Kuman
New Mobilities: Smart PLanning for EMerging Transpor-tation Technologies
Todd Litman
Evangelos Simoudis
CIty Nerd
CityNerd (Ray Delahanry) is a YouTube channel and community that embraces all things cities and transportation, approaching things with a profound love for urban environments and an analytical bent.
“All the Ways Car Dependency is Wrecking Us” is particularly relevant to Mobility Town.
Car Harm Research
“Car harm: A global review of automobility's harm to people and the environment”, Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 115, February 2024, 103817
Authors: Patrick Miner, Barbara M. Smith, Anant Jani, Geraldine McNeill, Alfred Gathorne-Hardy